Nelson Mandela University is the SI National Office for Southern Africa and is, as such, responsible for the training of SI Supervisors and academic staff from institutions around Southern Africa.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a student academic assistance programme that increases student performance and retention. The National Supplemental Instruction Office at the Nelson Mandela University conducts workshops to provide comprehensive training for academic staff and campus academic/learning support personnel.
Staff of the SI programme at Nelson Mandela Universtiy is committed to interactive, small group instruction. All workshops are therefore learner-centred and process-oriented. At this particular workshop the principles of SI will be presented and the implementation process discussed, so that the newly trained Supervisor will be qualified as trainer of student facilitators and will have a step by step process to enable them to implement such a model on their own respective campuses should they wish to do so.
Delegates should take note that SI is a Student Academic Assistance Programme and this will be the focus from which the training takes place. We have allocated time for individual consultation where the trainers will assist delegates who need assistance to contextualise the information for their needs.
For more information or to register for a SI Supervisor Training workshop, contact
Staff of the SI programme at Nelson Mandela University is committed to interactive, small group instruction. All workshops are therefore learner-centred and process-oriented. At this particular workshop SI Supervisors/Coordinators with a minimum of one year experience in coordinating SI (or an adapted version of SI) will discuss topics such as SI Leader Ongoing Training and Development, Adaptations of SI Programmes, Maintaining Faculty Support, Online Peer Collaborative Learning, SI Evaluation and Research in more depth and share knowledge and expertise. Nelson Mandela University will provide material for discussion, but delegates are encouraged to bring examples of their own work for sharing and discussion.
Delegates should take note that SI is a Student Academic Assistance Programme and this will be the focus from which the training takes place.
Only trained SI Supervisors with a minimum of one year SI /Tutor coordination experience are eligible for this workshop.
For more information or to register for SI Advanced Supervisor Training, contact